Terezin Memorial

Hard Days Followed by Moments of Hope

This exhibition puts on display selected objects, works of art and written documents originating during clandestine cultural, social and free-time activities pursued by the inmates kept in the Police Prison in the Small Fortress in Terezín during the years 1940–1945. In his recollections, Bohumil Janda, one of the former prisoners, succinctly described the nature of the time spent in the Nazi repressive facilities: “The monotonous dullness, boredom and loneliness of long days in dark cramped dungeons were followed by moments so powerful and exciting that it is impossible to forget them for the rest of one’s life.”...

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Terezin Memorial


Ema Blažková
Aug. 31, 1924, Prague
Aug. 31, 2003, Prague

Ema Blažková was born in Prague on August 31, 1924, into a family of civil servants. During the war, she studied at a grammar school in Roudnice nad Labem. Less than a month after the assassination of the acting Reich Protector Reinhard Heydrich (1904–1942)... Read more

Bohumil Janda
Oct. 1, 1914, Plzeň
Not known

Bohumil Janda was born on October 1, 1914, in Pilsen. He first studied at a high school specializing in technical subjects and then at a teacher-training institute, ending with a successful school-leaving exam. Before the Nazi occupation, he served as a professional Czechoslovak Army officer. Later on, he was assigned to work at the Czech-Moravian Railways in Pilsen... Read more

Stanislav Kafka
Aug. 7, 1891, Bohuslavice
Apr. 4, 1942, Auschwitz-Birkenau

Stanislav Kafka was born at Bohuslavice near Nové Města nad Metují on August 7, 1891, to father Karel Kafka and mother Marie. He grew up in the family of his grandfather, a woodcarver. Karel graduated from the Business Academy in Prague and his first job was at the ČKD (Českomoravská-Kolben-Daněk) engineering plant... Read more

Josef Klouček
Apr. 4, 1909, Rakovník
Apr. 13, 1943, Waldheim

Josef Klouček was born on April 4, 1909 in Rakovník. He attended local grammar school and later graduated from Charles University in Prague, majoring in physical education and geography. From 1935 onward, Klouček served as a teacher at the business academy in Rakovník. He spent most of his free time in the Sokol organization and also pursued his passion for painting...Read more

Josef Kylies
Mar. 19, 1890, Studeněves
June 16, 1946, Prague

Josef Kylies, the eldest of five sons, was born on March 19, 1890, at Studeněves near Slaný. He excelled in sports, read avidly, and especially drew a lot during his high school studies. Since his family´s financial situation made it impossible for him to study at the Academy of Fine Arts or the Academy of Arts, Architecture, and Design in Prague...Read more

Karel Štipl
Jan. 1, 1889, Prague
Aug 22, 1972, Prague

Karel Štipl was born in Prague on January 21, 1889, as the eldest of the three sons of coachman František Štipl and mother Františka, née Čeňková. Before the First World War, he studied at the College of Applied Arts in Prague as a student of Josef Drahoňovský (1877–1938) and Josip Plečnik (1872–1957)...Read more